Which differences can be observed in terms of comfort?

To correctly understand the advantages of our heating systems in terms of comfort, I must describe a major principle: The heat felt.

You have probably experienced a suddenly unpleasant cold sensation when sitting in the living room. However, your thermostat indicates 20° and there is no open window or door.
Actually, the external walls are radiating cold. You can either increase the temperature or put on an extra jumper to not go over your heating budget.

It is the felt heat and not the temperature of the air displayed on your
thermostat provides your temperature of comfort.
It is expressed by the following formula:
(air temperature + average wall temperature) ÷ 2
In winter, in a correctly insulated room, with double glazing and an outside temperature between 0°and -5° :
With traditional heating (convector or radiant radiators,
inertia-type radiators or a heating floor):
Air temperature: 20° + wall temperature 17° = 37°
÷ 2 = felt temperature 18,5°

With an electric baseboards
Air temperature: 20° + wall temperature 26° = 46°
÷ 2 = felt temperature 22°

With electric baseboards, the ideal temperature of comfort will always be between 18° and 19°, without any cold sensation.
Knowing that 1 degree accounts for 7% of savings, let’s add to this, a powerful regulation and we obtain one of the most economic heating systems
with an exceptional level of comfort.